We support women as criticalcritical change-makerschange-makers and conveners.

In July 2013, a small group of executive-level women from diverse sectors of the health care industry came together for a unique meeting to articulate their desired personal legacies, and to apply the concept of collective impact to advance those legacies in addressing complex problems in health care.

The group, which has since become known as Women of Impact, agreed on a shared goal: to realign the health care system to meet the needs of all Americans, recognizing that the people who need care come from all walks of life. They also agreed on a nonpartisan case for change that zeroed in on critical concerns prominent in the national conversation.
  • Health care costs too much, and Americans aren’t getting what they pay for.
  • People must have the ability to take charge of their wellness and health care and to exercise the power of choice.
  • Health, not sickness, should be the focus of care.
  • Innovation is vital.
  • Health care should be available to everyone when they need it.
Since then, the group has grown to over 100 women executives across the United States, and Hawaii! The group understands that health for all is made better by having more women in leadership positions. Every year the group convenes for their Annual Meeting and recommits to their shared goals. The members of the group are committed championing Social and Racial Justice, re-imagining and creating structures to secure health and wellbeing, and transforming and harnessing data and metrics. Most recently, the group recommited to their shared values around Societal Health. These leaders are commited to the below tenets.

We support women as critical change-makers and conveners.

We commit that our inquiry is driven by a sense of discovery and humility.

We respect all people, their journeys, and the obstacles and biases they have faced.

We look where we don’t see, or don’t want to see, problems.

We respect facts and evidence but also listen to and trust lived experiences.

We look where we don’t see, or don’t want to see, problems.

We co-create solutions.

We own the responsibility to create the change we want to see in the world.

We look where we don’t see, or don’t want to see, problems.

Our Executive Committee

Patricia L. Turner, MD, FACS

Executive Director & CEO, American College of Surgeons

Michelle Showalter

President, ML Showalter Consulting and Coaching LLC

Karen Remley, MD, MBA,

Director of the National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (NCBDD), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Participation is in a personal capacity; the opinions expressed do not reflect the views of the CDC, or the United States government

Della Lin, MS, MD, FASA

Senior Fellow in Patient Safety and Health Systems Engineering, Estes Park Institute

Christine Hunter, MD

Independent Director, WPS Health Solutions

Karen Feinstein, PhD

President and Chief Executive Officer, Jewish Healthcare Foundation

Joanne Conroy, MD

MD, CEO & President, Dartmouth Health

Ceci Connolly

President and CEO, Alliance of Community Health Plans

Carolyn Clancy, MD

Assistant Under Secretary for Health for Discovery, Education and Affiliate Networks, Veterans Health Administration

Women of Impact’s Executive Committee

Vinny Arora, MD, MAPP

Shari Barkin, MD, MSHS

Helen Burstin, MD, MPH

Esther Choo, MD, MPH

Carolyn Clancy, MD

Ceci Connolly

Joanne Conroy, MD

Karen Feinstein, PhD

Christine Hunter, MD

Della Lin, MS, MD, FASA

Judy Monroe, MD

Karen Remley, MD, MBA

Michelle Showalter

Patricia Turner, MD, MBA, FACS

Our Approach
Identify Critical Areas

We observe the American healthcare system, and locate critical areas to focus on.

Plan of Action

We take learnings from our explorations, and realize a plan of action centered around our member's unique skills.


Our implementation strategies revolve around outreach and involvment with communities.

Member Support

Kate Dickerson, MSc

Janelle DeBaldo

For inquiries, please contact [email protected]